Learn Flutter in Just 28 Weeks!

Become a Flutter developer

Learn Flutter and Build applications for both IOS and Android in one language.

Robust code base

Master Flutter & Dart to create apps for Android, iOS, and Web platforms.

Industries best salary

Secure your dream job with an average salary of Rs. 40,000.

Make it Public

Showcase Your Projects on the Google Play Store and App Store to the World!

Gain an Edge

Gain In-Demand Skills and Join the Ranks of High-Earning App Developers!

Don't Miss Out - Take Your First Step Towards
Becoming a Flutter Expert!

What you'll learn

Learn Flutter and Dart from the ground up, step-by-step

Build engaging native mobile apps for both Android and iOS

Use features like Google Maps, the device camera, authentication and much more!

Learn how to upload images and how to send manual and automated push notifications

Learn all the basics without stopping after them: Dive deeply into Flutter & Dart and become an advanced developer

What makes Brocamp Special

Win like an army

We work as a team because we get paid only when you get paid.

You are the Student and the Teacher

We have learnt from others. You will learn from us. And someone else will learn from you

No one size fit all classes

Freely explore the different areas of programming. Find what you’re passionate about. And get after it.


  • Basic programming language will help but is not a must-have
  • You can use either Windows, macOS or Linux for Android app development – iOS apps can only be built on macOS though
  • No prior iOS or Android development experience is required
  • No prior Flutter or Dart experience is required – this course starts at zero!

Who is this program for?

Housewife looking for Jobs​

Balance family and career with flexible learning options tailored to fit your schedule.

IT Degree Graduates

• If you are already into this field this program will help you to get a holistic view and responsibility while working on a project.
• Upskilling to Flutter might get you promoted.

Non IT professionals looking to switch to IT

• Flutter makes a great entry point for anyone enthusiastic about the tech industry
• As all essentials are being covered you will be job-ready by the end.

Career Gap Category

Refresh your development skills and bridge the gap with Flutter Development.

Only Plus Two Qualification

No worries, As learning this you will cover all the aspects from scratch there is less emphasis on educational background and more on the skill achieved.

Career Switching

Fast-track your entry into tech with Flutter Development.

Students placements


Adhin Prakash

I didn’t even know how to print ‘hello world,’ and I didn’t even believe that I would get a high-paying job. 🙂

Meet Adhin Prakash, placed as Mobile Application Developer at Primates Development Pvt Ltd with a package of 4.8 Lakhs! 🔥

Deploma Failed to A highly paying flutter developer.

Mohammed Siyadh

No one could have known that I came to join Brocamp!
But now.. ⚡😎

Meet Mohammed Siyadh A S, placed as Flutter Developer at Techjet.ai from Brocamp! 👊

Choose to learn Flutter over going to Dubai

Anantheswara Shenoy

“I got an initial push, and I maintained that momentum throughout my journey to achieve this!”⚡

Meet Anantheswara Shenoy, placed as Flutter Developer at Thinking Code Technologies through Brocamp 🔥

Sports as a passion & Flutter as a Profession

Akhil G

I had a fear of entering the IT field because I wasn’t sure if I could succeed. 🙂

Meet Akhil G, placed as a Flutter Developer at Dailyraven Technologies through Brocamp.🔥

RegularJob to High paid Flutter Development career